Thursday, January 15, 2015

Slice #2

The Cliff
The cliff looms before me, getting closer.  It's small really.  Just a cornice.  But it is my first.  My coach goes first and shows us how to turn off of it.  My friend Ainsley goes first.  She lands softly on the large mound of snow.  I look at the pine trees that surround the run.  I am third in line.  Peyton jumps next.  She falls but stands up quickly and smiles.  I am next.  My coach is cheering me on.  I jump.  I'm falling and flying at the same time.  I bend my knees and land softly in the snow nearly missing a tree.  Peyton gives me a high five and then we turn to watch everyone else.  I jumped my first cliff.

Photo credit: <a href="">Elf-8</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>