The Caramel
I grab all of the ingredients. I mix the cream, vanilla, butter and salt in a pot and start the heat. I stir slowly and watch them bubble. Then I have to make the syrup - the hardest part. I mix corn syrup and sugar in a separate pot. I make sure the candy thermometer is working. I stir constantly so the syrup doesn't burn, but not too fast or it won't work. I keep a watch on the thermometer. It creeps to 150 degrees and then starts to climb faster - 200, 250 and finally 310. I'm there. I very quickly get it off the burner. I add it to the cream and butter mixture, hoping I got the temperature right, because if not, it will just be slop. It starts to thicken. I breathe a sigh of relief. I pour it into a pan and it sits overnight, as my whole family tries to sneak tastes. Finally, it's done. A little soft but tastes great. Not perfect but good for a first try!
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