It was just a wire. Just a wire keeping me from falling to the floor of the ravine. A wire and cables and a harness. I peered over the edge of the high platform at the tops of trees. I took a deep breath and jumped. The wire, the wire and cables and harness that held me above the ravine floor all became a blur. All I could see were trees. Trees and...
"Monkeys!!!" Maisie yells
There are a lot of monkeys. I count about ten crawling around in the trees. As we fly by them they squeak. When I look in front of me I realize that I've almost reach the end of the zipline. I break fast. The wire screeches and I come to a stop just in time.
Photo Credit: <a href="">May 29th, 2009 354</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>
Photo Credit: <a href="">May 29th, 2009 354</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>
Cool. Where were you?
ReplyDeleteGreat description, Sophie. I'm glad you wrote about this one experience.