Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor

Karou, or hope in her language, finally has all the answers she wanted.  She knows who - or rather what she is.  But she has one answer she did not want.  Now she doesn't know if her father Brimstone is alive or dead.  Her love and enemy Akiva betrayed her and put all of her kind in jeopardy.   Now in a land of misery, blood, and starlight Karou must choose whether to stay true to her name or her people.
Days of Blood and Starlight is the second book in the Smoke and Bone series.  I think that this book is the perfect way to continue the series.  It is a really well done story.  The characters were fun but it was difficult to relate to them because the story is far from our reality.  I loved the plot line for the story and I think it moved at a good pace.  I would have liked more warning before the author switched perspectives.  This book is sad and talks of torture, resurrection, and other severe cruelties.  It also has some adult content.  I would recommend this book for grades six and up.


  1. Wow this book seams really cool! but a little scary i have to admit.

    1. It is a little scary and kind of gory too. It is definitely worth it though!
