Monday, March 30, 2015

Slice #31 of 31 March Challenge

The Creme Brûlée
The waiter comes and asks for our dessert orders.  I see creme brûlée on the menu and realize I haven't tried real French creme brûlée.  We order and the waiter goes back to the kitchen.  The French certainly don't rush cooking.  We've waited a while.  As it gets later more people start to drift in. The man brings out our desserts.  The sugar on top of my creme brûlée is perfectly caramelized and bubbling from the heat of the blow torch.  He sets it down in front of me and hands me a spoon. 
"Merci Beaucoup!" I say smiling ( that means thank you very much)
I take the spoon and cut through the hard sugar crust on top until I find the soft vanilla bean pudding. I get a big glob and take the whole thing  to my mouth.  My taste buds smile as the soft vanilla cream tickles them.  The crunch of the sugar balances the sweetness of the dish.  It is delicious.  

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Slice #30 of 31 March Challenge

The Museum and The Notre Dame Cathedral
 Today I woke up really late.  I woke up at 9:42 am Paris time. Granted this is only 2:42 am in Colorado but I realized how tired I must have been after traveling yesterday.  I started to sit up in my little nook in the apartment.  I almost climbed down my ladder to see if my grandparents were awake but I heard a huge snore coming from below.  Haha I get the first shower.  I climbed down, still in my heart patterned pajamas and grabbed my tiny shampoo bottle.  After my shower I went to make some coffee for my grandparents (if they ever get up) and some tea for myself.  They have the strangest kinds of tea in France.  I munched on a slice of baguette for breakfast and then went back to my little nook to change out of my pajamas and watch some French television. My grandparents woke up a few hours later (at 11:03) and got ready for the day.  We set at for lunch at 12:10.  I had some delicious French onion soup and some kind of sweet French soda that was served in a wine glass.  After lunch we started walking to the Notre Dame Cathedral.  We walked past a couple shops and then we found a bridge to cross the Seine river.  Around the river there were book vendors who all called out to us in French.  We kept walking across the bridge.  The Notre Dame Cathedral looked big from a distance but up close it was huge.  All the big windows and intricate gargoyles were stunning. The towering height of the church was astounding.  I couldn't believe it.  After taking a walk around the grounds we went to wait in the long line to go inside the cathedral.  The line luckily moved fast so we were inside pretty quickly.  It had started to get cold and I felt bad for all the people behind us.  The colorful light danced down from the stained glass windows.  It was even more beautiful inside!  I was astounded by the complexity of the building and yet it looked so elegant and simple.  After we exited the cathedral we went to a cafe to discuss our next move.  I was grateful for the tea set in front of me for it had gotten very windy outside.  We decide to go to l'orangerie museum.  l'orangerie has the work of several great impressionists.  We walked inside and I headed straight to the rooms with Monet's in them.  I walked in and my heart skipped a beat.  They were huge and beautiful.  I was in awe.  There are just no words to describe them.  I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  It was like magic.  After we left the museum we went to get dinner.  I had a cheese crepe that was really good.  I had a macaron for dessert and then came back to the apartment.  I changed into my heart shaped pajamas and crawled into my little nook to go to sleep.  

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Slice #29 of 31 March Challenge

The Plane Ride
"Boarding all B boarding passes." Calls a flight attendant.  
She has a slow almost robotic voice that's a little bit squeaky.  I stand up and wheel my bag over to the desk where the flight attendant sits.  She takes my boarding pass and puts it through a scanner.  A green light turns on and she takes it out.  Then she takes my passport to make sure all the information is correct.  She hands my boarding pass back to me and I start walking through the tunnel that connects the plane to the airport.  I put my suitcase up and then turn to help my grandma with hers.  I sit down and start flipping through one of my magazines.  I watch movies, read books, and listen to music until it's time to go to sleep.  It is already pitch black outside.  The crew comes around with pillows and blankets.  I lean my head against the window and pull my scarf up.  It smells like my sister (because it's actually her scarf).  I take a deep breath and put my head back down.  It is impossible to sleep on a plane.  Hours pass, I try to get comfortable but I can't.  I am still awake when the same squeaky voiced flight atendant announced that we have arrived.  Finally.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Slice #28 of 31 March Challenge

The Trip
I'm at the airport waiting for a plane.  My grandpa made us come two hours early!  I have an hour and a half to wait but it is all worth it because... I am going to Paris!  It almost doesn't feel real.  I have to keep reminding myself that this is really happening.  I'm so excited I can hardly sit still in my chair. A few times I've had it stop myself from jumping out of my chair and running screaming.  Instead I've decided to channel my energy into something productive - writing my slice.  I can hardly focus on anything.  People talk around me and some babies toddle around talking to themselves in gibberish.  One of them falls and starts to cry.  A TV starts playing behind me.  The weird thing is no one seems as excited as I am.  It's like they go to Paris every day.  No matter.  I'm still excited.  I'm going to Paris!!!  Paris Paris Paris!!!!!!!!!

Slice #27 of 31 March Challenge

The Tiny Girl In the Little White Dress
The tiny girl in the little white dress
Just can’t  keep up though she’s doing her best
She tries to breathe but there’s no air to be found
She is knee deep in touch, sight, and sound
The tiny girl in the little white dress
Feels the blowing of wind like a loving caress
She falls into her imagination
She leaves behind all feeling of helpless desperation
The tiny girl in the little white dress
No longer feels any stress
She is now in a place where she can be free
And just like that the girl is happy

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Slice #26 of 31 March Challenge

The Slice
It happened quickly.  The knife slipped from the strawberries it was supposed to be cutting and cut my finger instead.  My mom was busy with my sister so I went to wash it off but then it started to bleed.  I called for my mom and she came over.  She started freaking out and wanted to take me to the hospital for stitches even though I explained that this was just a shallow cut and I didn't need stitches.  I got a band-aid and started wrapping it tightly around my finger to stop the bleeding.  My mom called my dad who cuts himself cooking a lot to ask him if he thinks I need stitches.  My dad explains to her that I do not need stitches I just need a band-aid.  My mom finally starts to calm down.  I start on my math homework.  This sure was a Slice of Life!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Slice #25 of 31 March Challenge

Room 214 by Helen Frost
This is truly an original book.  With each chapter from the viewpoint of a different character and written in different type of poem Frost is able to show a school year from the eyes of several unforgettable students.  The students experience hardships in the trying times of middle school.  They share their feelings on life, death and the world around them.  They lean on each other for support and help.  Though the book is somewhat short it is a fantastic read and well worth your time.  I think grades 5 and up would enjoy this book.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Slice #24 of 31 March Challenge

The Swim Practice
The sun burned my back.  I longed to jump into the cold water that I usually dreaded but I know I have to do dry land training first.  I do all the stretches and by the end of dry land I am burning up.  Finally it's time to get in the pool I run over but then almost slip and walk the rest of the way.  My coach explains the warm up and everyone gets in.  I jump in and am the first one in my lane.  I am submerged in the cold water.  I breath a sigh of relief and start on my warm up.  Finally.  

Monday, March 23, 2015

Slice #23 of 31 March Challenge

The Difficulty With Distraction
I just can't focus.  I don't know why but every little thing seems to distract me.  The clock ticks, people talk in hushed voices, bursts of noise break out.  I type but I am not focused on my paper and I probably have made several spelling mistakes already even though I am only a paragraph in.  I'm not concentrated on my paper today.  I'm not concentrated on anything.  I close my document and stand up.  I wander around my classroom looking for something else to do.  I walk down the hallway hoping a break will help boost my concentration.  I come back and start on my art project.  I sketch a couple things but throw them both away.  I look around for a little while and then go to get a snack.  I am so distracted and I can't seem to get anything finished.  This is the difficulty with distraction.  

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Slice #22 of 31 March Challenge

The Summer Night
The night air blows crisp and clear.  The sound of the moon is melodic like wind chimes.  I breathe in the fresh air.  The scent of flowers dances across the wind and stars fill the sky.  The darkness of the sky seems colorful in its own way.  The sky seems soft as a blanket.  I lay on my back in the cool grass.  The night cools and the heat of the summer day disappears the last bit of warmth is sucked away.  The cold begins to set in.  I shiver and pull my sweater tighter around my shoulders.  I think about the gorgeous summer day and close my eyes.    

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Slice #21 of 31 March Challenge

The Flower
On the brown wood table sat a bouquet of beautiful flowers.  All of them stood tall with their colorful blossoms looking towards the sunshine.  I brushed the tops of the petals gently and that's when I saw the flower.  It was tiny compared to the other ones.  The brown of its stem contrasted to the bright green stems that filled the vase.  It was wilted and looked to be shying away from the sun instead of reaching for its rays.  Just a touch of pink remained on the edges of its small plentiful petals.  It was beautiful.  It may not have had the grace of the other flowers but I decided it was my favorite of the bunch.  I took it out of the middle of the bouquet and put it in a vase in the sun in my room and filled it with water.  I kept it there long after all the pink had disappeared from its petals.  

Friday, March 20, 2015

Slice #20 of 31 March Challenge

The Trouble With Focusing
I am trying to focus but it is not fun.  I am sitting on the floor of living room trying to write my slice of life.  My mom, aunt, and grandma are sitting above me talking about math, and sugar, and a good furniture store.  My cousins are running around wild.  Every bone in my body aches to stand up and run around.  I want to go outside and feel the sunshine on my face and taste the sweet spring air but I can't because I have to focus.  My mom gets up to get a drink and I realize that I am very thirsty but I can't stand up because I have to focus.  The water taunts me from the table and the flowers laugh outside.  My cousins scream and my mom continues to talk.  A pillow falls on my computer and my mom starts messing up my hair with her fingers and the tea kettle starts whistling.  I start to stand up but my brain reminds me that I have to finish.  I hear music start to play and my cousins are dancing.  This is the trouble with focusing.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Slice #19 of 31 March

The Mall
I I stand in the air conditioned store while my sister and mom pick out clothes for me to try on.  I have outgrown all my T-shirts and so we are at the mall to buy new ones or at least my mom and sister are.  I am here because every time I go to  the Cherry Creek Mall my mom lets me get a treat of some kind.  My mom comes over with an arm full of shirts skirts and pants for me to try on and the store clerk opens a dressing room.  I try on everything.  I bring out two shirts, two skirts, and a pair of pants.  I think it is plenty considering that we've already bought a lot of stuff but my mom and sister add six T-shirts on to my pile.  Next we move to shoes.  I sit in a chair that spins while my mom and sister make googly eyes at all the shoes.  They take forever to try on like eight pairs of shoes.  Finally my mom decides we have to get home for dinner.  Finally our trip to the mall is over.  

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Slice # 18 of 31 March Challenge

Fish In A Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt
“Everybody is smart in different ways. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its life believing it is stupid.”
-Albert Einstein

Ally lives in a world full of words that she can't read and teachers who don't understand.  Ally makes trouble to avoid work and to avoid looking stupid.  When the class's new teacher Mr. Daniels comes Ally thinks he will be just as bad as all the rest of her teachers - until she meets him.  Mr. Daniels is not like other teachers.  He has a different way of teaching.  He figures out that Ally's real problem is something called dyslexia.  It jumbles up words in her brain and makes it hard for her to read and write.  He comes up with fun ways to make it easier for Ally and she actually starts to enjoy school.  With her new friends Ally is finally happy.  She realizes that with a little help the impossible can become possible.  

I really enjoyed this book.  I love the story.  I think the characters were really fun and relatable and I think Ally's experience and her struggles are relatable as well.  I can also relate to having an amazing teacher who changes your life.  I think the plot moved at a good pace and I think that the author has a great style of writing that I really love.  The only thing that I did not like about this book is the characters are a little bit younger so their teacher calls them "Fantasticos" which I did not like.  I would recommend this to grades 5 and up.  I have included the book trailer below if anyone is curious.   

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Slice #17 of 31 March Challenge

The Soccer Game
My cleats grip the field an kick up dirt as I sprint to the blue, black, and white ball.  I chase the tall girl in the red shirt.  She kicks the ball a little bit in front of her and I see my chance.  I steal the ball and kick it to my team mate as hard as I can.  She receives it and turns to take it to the goal.  I have no idea where I am supposed to be.  I try to get open for a pass.  I trap the pass and sprint looking for someone to pass to.  I hear the people on the sidelines screaming and shouting.  I lose the ball to a red player and run back again.  We run forward and back and forward until I hear the whistle that signifies half time.  I jog off the field.  We get some water and have a snack and then it's time to go back on the field.  I play for a little while and then I am called of the field.  I high-five the sub and then run off.  We ended up losing the game 6-0 but I still had a great time.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Slice #16 of 31 March Challenge

The Sled
She was exhilarated by the speed.  She flew down the hill.  The snowflakes whirled behind her.  Her sisters cheered for her on top of the hill.  She loved the way the snowflakes danced on to her jacket.  All of a sudden she spun backwards.  She screamed until she turned around again.  The snow covered trees all became a blur as she passed them.  A bluejay soared over her head.  She began to slow down.  Snow flew into her face.  She shivered with delight.  She reached the bottom of the hill and her sled came to a stop.  She laid down and laughed.  She picked up her sled and climbed to the top of the hill with her sled and began again.  

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Slice #15 of 31 March Challenge

The Words
The clock seems to move in slow motion.  Tick Tock Tick Tock.  The hands click every time they move.  I sit and write.  My notebook fills with words.  They come like an ocean, ebbing and flowing. I look the page over and grab my big eraser.  Now I barely have any writing on the page.  I begin again.  I write slowly and time seems to  drag on.  All of a sudden I think of an idea.  The words start to flow again but faster this time like a rushing river.  I write quickly.  Faster and faster until finally the page is full.  I read over it.  I am finished.  I finally have the right words.  

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Slice #14 of 31 March Challenge

The Wait
The house was silent.  Waiting with anticipation.  Fingers drummed on tables and feet tapped on floors.  I stared out the window into the gray sky.  I sat quietly.  I was dying to stand up and run outside to see whether they were there yet.  I zipped my sweatshirt and then unzipped it again.  I tried reading my book but I couldn't seem to concentrate on anything.  After waiting for what seemed like forever I heard a knock on the door.  They're here.  The sky seemed to brighten.  I raced to the door.  The wait was over.  

Friday, March 13, 2015

Slice #13 of 31 March Challenge

The Funeral
Sadness hangs over the house like a raincloud.  Waiting for the right time to thunder.  Tears stream down faces like rain.  Lightning strikes and thunder rumbles.  The rain falls harder.  Black dresses, black shoes, black ties, black coat.  Gray light shines through the colorful glass windows.  I shiver in my coat.  It's not fair.  Death isn't fair.  It sits there like a spider waiting to bite an when it does it causes grief to all those around it.  It comes like a hammer and shatters everyones heart.  It isn't fair.  

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Slice #12 of 31 March Challenge

The Sprout
Drip Drop. I hear the icicles melting.  I feel the air starting to get warmer.  A light breeze passes by me and I shiver with delight.  We finally have an outdoor recess.  I am walking around the field with my friends.  The perfectly manicured grass is still covered in snow.  Suddenly I see a bit of green poking out.  A little sprout.  It may be small but it means everything.  It means spring.  

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Slice #11 of 31 March Challenge

Kindred by Octavia Butler -Week #2
“Today and yesterday didn’t mesh. I felt almost as strange as I had after my first trip back to Rufus - caught between his home and mine.”-Edana Franklin 
As Rufus grows up in the harsh environment he was born into Dana quickly sees a change in him. Dana continues to be sent forward and backwards in time to help Rufus.  She gets to know all the slaves well especially Alice who is carrying Rufus's child - one of her ancestors.  She tries to help Rufus and he is not nearly as hard on her as the other slaves but he still has her whipped several times.  It comes to a point where Dana must decide between his life and her own.
I enjoyed this book.  I like the plot and settings and I think the concept is fascinating.  I also enjoyed that the author combined historical fiction with science fiction.  I was shocked by the way the book ended.  This book contains crude language, torture, racism, death, murder, and talks of sexual harassment  For these reasons I would recommend this book to grades six and up.  

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Slice #10 of 31 March Challenge

The Hot Chocolate
Steam comes up from the mug.  I take the warm handle and pour the smooth drink down my throat.   I taste the sweet hot chocolate. It melts me.  Small marshmallows float in the liquid like little islands in a sea of delectable dark brown.  It bubbles and froths.  It is extra chocolaty.  This is what I think about while shoveling the snowy deck in my winter parka, freezing.  Just the thought warms me - well, a little.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Slice #9 of 31 March Challenge

The Rainy Day
The clouds hang dark and low.  The air is heavy.  The girl sits at the window and waits.  Wait...Wait...Wait...Wait...Wait, until finally she hears something.  Just a drop of water to pavement.  She sits bolt upright and jumps to her feet.  She pushes the door open and runs outside.  She greets the storm, smiling, spinning.  At first the water gently brushes her face but soon she is twirling in a downpour.  The wind sweeps back her hair.  It flows like a river of gold down her shoulders.  Thunder rumbles across the angry sky and lightning cracks.  The girl startles.  
I go to the door and call to her "Time to come in Maisie.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Slice #8 of 31 March Challenge

The Blank Page
I am stuck.  I don't know what to write about.  I have to come up with 31 different things to write about and I am already stuck.  My family makes suggestions but I don't know what to say.  I sip some ice water while I think.  It's funny how when your stuck you seem to notice everything around you.  Every noise and every little crack on the ceiling.  Your attention seems to dance across the river of your memories.  A blank page taunts you.  Suddenly an idea blossoms in my mind.  I begin to write.  Words begin to fill the page that once was blank.  I am no longer stuck.  

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Slice #7 of 31 March Challenge

The Chairlift
My breath puffs like a cloud in the air.  I pull my neck warmer up higher so it covers my nose.  I race down the run.  I listen to the wind whistle past my ears.  I race down the run and turn into the lift line.  I sit on to the lift and shiver.  The snow blows into my face.  It is coming down so fast that it feels like ice.  It stings my cheeks.  The snowflakes land on my black gloves.  The contrast allows me to see the perfect form of the snowflakes.  They are beautiful. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Slice #6 of 31 March Challenge

The Surfboard
I dragged the faded blue surfboard behind me into the waves.  Once I was out deep enough I got on.  I tried to remember everything the instructor said.  I dragged my hands through the water.  I saw a wave.  Paddle paddle paddle.  I grabbed the sides of the board and pushed up.  I stood up.  The board bounced underneath me.  I stretched out my arms and tried to keep my balance.  I rode the wave in for a little while before I fell.  It was exhilarating.  I dragged the board back out to where my dad was.  He tried to catch a wave and stood but then lost his balance and fell back down.  The waves started to get bigger.  I tried to catch one but fell as soon as I stood.  I was bringing my board out when my dad called, 
"Five more minutes!"
I paddled out.  I found a good wave and caught it.  I stood and I rode the wave all the way in to the shore.  It was the perfect way to end the surfing lesson.  

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Slice #5 of 31 March Challenge

The Morning
"Just a minute."  
I run down and gulp down an energy bar so fast I almost choke. 
"Where is your sister?"
"How should I know?"
"YOU BETTER NOT MAKE US LATE!" my Mom yells up the stairs.  
I pour cold water down my throat.  Frost covers the ground in an icy blanket.  The door glides openI grab a fleece and zip it.  My breath puffs in the air and my footsteps crunch.  
"TIME TO GO!!!" my sister yells.
I race against my sister to the car but she wins.  Oh well I'm stuck in the middle seat.  Just another school morning. 


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Slice #4 of 31 March challenge

Kindred by Octavia Butler
“I don’t have a name for the thing that happened to me, but I don’t feel safe any more.“
-Edana Franklin
26 year old Edana (Dana) Franklin is a black woman from the late 20th century.  She and her husband Kevin have just moved in together when she is suddenly transported back in time to the antebellum south in 1815 to save a small, red-haired boy named Rufus.  She quickly realizes that Rufus is her ancestor and so she continues to help him.  With slavery at every turn, her trips back in time become more and more dangerous Dana wonders whether her life will end before it can begin.  
This book is interesting but also intense.  This book contains crude language, torture, racism, and talks of sexual harassment.  I like that the author mixed historical fiction with science fiction.  I think the characters were well thought out and I liked that some were more mysterious.  I would reccomend this to grades six and up.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Slice #3 of 31 March Challenge

The Secret World
She could feel the current pulling her out deeper.  She could taste the salty spray as the waves crashed on the shore.  She could hear the water whisper its secrets to her, all but hidden under it's smooth surface.  She could see the wind paint the sky.  All of a sudden the girl dove.  She disappeared, melding with the water.  Her whole world came to life.  She saw rainbow fish dart away as she swam towards them and big black and yellow fish admired her from below.  An orange pufferfish glided by and revealed a huge sting ray.  When she came up she knew that she had seen a world no one else would.

Slice #2 of 31 March Challenge

The Muffin
Have you ever thought about how weird the word muffin is?  I was munching on a delectable blueberry muffin when this thought occurred to me.  I nearly spit the muffin all over our new countertops.  I was eating a muffin.  MU-FF-IN.  It is just so peculiar.  The fact that I myself was eating something so strange left me positively awestruck.  Has it ever occurred to you how weird some words are?  I hadn't thought about it before but so many words are so weird!  Now I think about it a lot!
Please add in the comments your favorite word!  Thanks!