Monday, March 16, 2015

Slice #16 of 31 March Challenge

The Sled
She was exhilarated by the speed.  She flew down the hill.  The snowflakes whirled behind her.  Her sisters cheered for her on top of the hill.  She loved the way the snowflakes danced on to her jacket.  All of a sudden she spun backwards.  She screamed until she turned around again.  The snow covered trees all became a blur as she passed them.  A bluejay soared over her head.  She began to slow down.  Snow flew into her face.  She shivered with delight.  She reached the bottom of the hill and her sled came to a stop.  She laid down and laughed.  She picked up her sled and climbed to the top of the hill with her sled and began again.