Friday, March 4, 2016

Slice #4

This morning my sister, my friend and I tried to make waffles.  It did not go so well.  Our first one was slightly deformed but otherwise okay, our second one was a little on the raw side but looked pretty good, and our third one was perfect.  Everything was going well until we ran out of eggs.  We needed to make more waffles so we tried to substitute something in for the eggs.  First we tried marshmallow cream but the waffle just kind of bubbled over the side.  Then we tried cereal, marshmallows, and flour.  We decided to cook this one in a pan instead of on the waffle iron.  It started burning and thickened into a sort of bread.  We put some yellow food coloring in the third one to try to make it look more like a waffle but it ended up looking more like scrambled eggs.  The kitchen was a mess and the eggless waffles were inedible.  Whoops!


  1. Sounds like an interesting experience.

  2. Sounds like a lot of messy fun! Experimenting with food is always fun. Nice slice!

  3. That sounds really fun and hard to deal with. I hope you actually got a good breakfast. Nice slice! ;)
